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The State of Live Sports Streaming 2024

Live content is led by sports, 而球迷的胃口——就像对转播权的竞标一样——在日历进入2024年之际丝毫没有放缓的迹象.

Streamticker: The Biggest Streaming Mergers & 2023年的收购

When it comes to mergers and acquisitions in the 流媒体 industry and M&E marketplace in 2023 and an accounting of the year's most consequential deals, 在收盘时开盘是最有意义的:迪士尼在11月初宣布,将通过收购完成2019年大流行前启动的收购,将Hulu完全纳入其帝国.

The State of Video Codecs 2024

MPEG编解码器的爆发带来了VVC、LCEVC和EVC,距今已有3年多了. 而不是气喘吁吁地鼓吹每一个个位数的质量改进或设计胜利, I'll quickly get you up-to-speed on quality, 可玩性, 并使用最常用的视频编解码器,然后探索新的编解码器相关的业务和技术的进步.

Buyers' Guide: Field Monitors, Monitor/Recorders, and Recorders

虽然看起来很奇怪, 除了摄像机之外,还有其他必要的生产工具在现场使用, 麦克风, and the switchers and encoders for live-switched streams. 从历史上看,现场监控器是奢侈品,大多数工作人员除了在高端拍摄时不会使用. 现场监视器以前稀缺的一个原因是,可以连接到摄像机的便携式CRT显示器价格昂贵,而且对于奔跑和射击的产品来说过于笨重. Until about 20 years ago, 甚至在专业设备上安装彩色取景器或彩色翻转取景器的想法都是痴人说梦.

Tutorial: Capturing Video over USB 3.0 with AJA U-TAP 3G-SDI and HDMI Devices

本教程解释了如何使用AJA U-TAP系列设备捕获高达1920x108060fps的全高清信号,并突出了macOS和Windows Zoom的OBS摄取

Q&A: Adtaxi's 聪聪Woronoff Says Streaming TV Levels Have Surpassed 80% of U.S. 2024年的成年人

Adtaxi的一份新报告, one of the nation's fastest-growing digital marketing agencies, 显示,现在比以往任何时候都有更多的美国人默认将流媒体作为主要的观看内容来源. 聪聪Woronoff, Agency Director - Marketing 研究 and Consumer Insights at Adtaxi, 采访了流媒体的泰勒·内斯勒,了解了该报告的许多具体方面,以及随着流媒体行业的快速发展,调查结果揭示了流媒体的现状.

Buyers' Guide: 在线直播 Software

本文介绍了在制作实时切换视频时可以选择的12个选项:Boinx mimoLive, 广播Pix教堂Pix, Ecamm生活, ManyCam, 奥林匹克广播服务公司工作室, PRISM Live Studio, Vizrt TriCaster, Telestream Wirecast, vMix, Vimeo直播工作室, 和XSplit广播

The State of Streaming Sustainability 2024

How do others see us, and how do we measure our progress? 有关流媒体功耗的新数据将促使行业进一步降低功耗,同时努力制定长期解决方案,将旧技术与当前最佳实践结合起来,以延长流媒体技术在未来几年的寿命.

How to Deploy GPAC for FFmpeg Packaging and ABR Distribution

As much as we love FFmpeg for transcoding op­erations, it can get frustrating when packag­ing your content for ABR delivery. 由packag-ing, I mean formatting and segmenting your media files, creating manifest files for HLS and DASH, for - matting for CMAF, and managing multiple audio and subtitle streams. 幸运的是,有一些更容易使用的解决方案,它们同样是开源的,同样是免费的. In this article, I'll focus on GPAC, which is a great packaging alternative.

欢迎来到FAST Times

《百家乐软件app最新版下载》让所有人都达成了共识:无论你是内容提供商,FAST都应该成为媒体组合的一部分, 一个电视台, or a distribution platform.

The State of Education Video 2024

Is the state of education video in 2024 the quiet before or after the storm? With a pandemic in the rearview mirror, 在新常态下,企业规模的视频托管和管理服务能否以学校愿意承担的价格保持盈利,我们将面临一个十字路口. It's unlikely that we'll cross a point of no return this year, 但我建议密切关注一些迹象,这些迹象可能会减轻或加剧人们对学校在长期未来拥有一定程度的所有权和控制权所依赖的视频服务的担忧.

The State of Enterprise Video 2024


The State of Edge Compute and Delivery 2024

In this year's State of Edge Compute and Delivery, 我将探讨似乎对流媒体最重要的三个方面:聚合, on-prem, 和地区.

How to Meet the Challenges of Cloud-Based Media Creation

Nadine Krefetz撰写了如何最好地应对云媒体创建挑战的方法.

迈克尔Cerda先生, CPO for Streaming at TelevisaUnivision, 建立和发展世界上最大的西班牙语流媒体服务

Nadine Krefetz interviews 迈克尔Cerda先生, CPO for 流媒体 at TelevisaUnivision. 他讨论了他刚到公司时实现的从头开始的重建. 他描述了他的团队如何在短短9个月内组装并扩展了驱动ViX的技术堆栈, the world's largest Spanish-language 流媒体 service, 这haslive-流媒体, AVOD, SVOD, 和快速产品.

OBSBOT Tail Air AI-Powered PTZ Streaming Camera

本评论将着眼于围绕创新的OBSBOT尾部空气PTZ凸轮构建的一套有趣的产品, which has entered the NDI ecosystem. The individual cameras retail for $499, and OBSBOT lent 流媒体 three of them for this review, 以及一些配件来展示他们如何在工作室或现场制作中一起工作.

Monetizing FAST and OTT with Metadata and User Data

没有什么能让推荐引擎——以及其他盈利杠杆手段——运转起来, go, go like data in its many varieties. 特别是元数据是个性化观众体验和优化内容组合的关键. 人工智能在提高元数据质量和改进推荐方面发挥着越来越大的作用. As analysts focused on the M&电子行业以及在各大媒体公司扮演重要战略角色的业内人士对此表示赞同, 数据对于了解客户旅程以及就如何接触和留住订阅者和客户做出明智的决策也至关重要, on the ad-supported side, deliver the right ads to audiences and the right audiences to brands.

Review: Magewell Director Mini

Magewell's new Director Mini is a mini marvel. 这个5.5" "all-in-one" production tool with a $1,299 street price can mix multiple inputs and do picture-in-picture graphics, 音频混合, 记录, 流媒体, 和更多的, as IEBA's Anthony Burokas explains in this in-depth review.

Cloud Atlas: MovieLabs’ 2030 Vision Roadmap for Industry-Wide M & E互操作性

MovieLabs的首席技术官Jim Helman讨论了他为好莱坞电影公司创建内容分类标准的经验, 以及MovieLabs的十年战略,将互操作性带给尽可能多的供应商. 赫尔曼帮助创建的娱乐标识注册表(EIDR)是一个内容标识,现在拥有超过2个.8 million records modernizing many aspects of production and operations. 他还将向我们介绍行业对“2030愿景”战略的最新反应,该战略旨在为媒体创作技术带来互操作性, requiring less custom engineering and better communications between software, 基础设施, 和服务.

Q&A: Caffeine CEO Ben Keighran Talks Fan-Focused Niche Sports Broadcasting

Caffeine is a well-funded, newer live broadcasting platform for fan-focused, niche content for interactive viewing. With the platform now surpassing 40 million users, most of its content consists of long tail and local sports programming. With $262 million in financing raised since 2016, Caffeine is emerging as a destination for "sports you can't find anywhere else.这个Q&A with Caffeine首席执行官Ben Keighran探讨了Caffeine在利基体育流媒体和盈利模式方面的独特方法.