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接触到不同的观众, 听众, 媒体的消费者不再仅仅关注你的主要渠道. You have to find ways to engage them where they are, no matter how they want to communicate. 到2024年,这将涉及移动应用程序, 网络应用程序, 网站, 流媒体应用, 其他流媒体服务, 和更多的. It also includes the people providing access to your content - mobile carriers, 互联网运营商, 有线电视提供商.


As broadcasters 和 content providers head to next week's NAB conference in Las Vegas, 一场悄无声息的变革正在内容和, 更具体地说, 内容交付. 这不仅仅是内容的演变,而是内容的消费和传递方式. 因此,互联互通是今年论坛的一个重要主题.


Creator-driven广告, 全面动态创意优化, 以及实时上下文信息将出现在联网电视上


随着媒体领域的复杂性不断增长, media organizations across the value chain face increased challenges to getting their content to audiences quickly, 有效地, 和成本效益. 然而, Catherine Gonzalez Pack of LTN outlines how the right MSP partner will enable media companies to accelerate their go-to-market 和 achieve long-term business success while driving cost efficiencies.


而央视显然有很大的潜力, 大有前途的混合动力, 数字化带来的实时效益与品牌安全, 背靠椅背,享受线性电视的体验, Geoff Wolinetz of OpenX believes that biddable CTV needs to address two key problems: ad fraud on the open market 和 a lack of st和ardized measurement protocols.

Singing in the Digital Subway: How Livestreaming Bridges Our Need for Connection

在人与人之间的联系在2020年达到历史最低点之后, people flocked to online platforms like Twitch to fill the sudden void we were suddenly 和 collectively experiencing. 流媒体迅速发展,容纳了各种各样的激情, 从游戏到烹饪再到运动等等. 勒克斯Narayan, StreamAlive的联合创始人兼首席执行官, outlines the specific ways that streaming st和s to benefit from a conversational atmosphere 和 offers actionable ways that streamers can implement these interactions to connect with their audience.


在今天的视频流媒体领域, the quest for effective advertising has led to a paradigm shift toward 动态AD插入 (DAI). This cutting-edge approach enables advertisers to target specific audiences with tailored content, 最大化用户粘性和收益潜力. 随着流媒体行业的持续飙升, DAI是游戏规则的改变者, 有望增强盈利和观众体验.

Streaming Wars: End-to-End Quality Assurance 和 Video Analysis Gives Streaming Service Providers the Upper H和

The battle for audience retention continues to intensify in the highly competitive streaming realm. Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems highlights the critical role that end-to-end quality assurance, 介质质量监控, 和 in-depth video analysis play in meeting the escalating dem和s of today's video consumers 和 why the role of these processes is becoming more crucial than ever.


传统的, 受控的广播环境正在被动态的广播环境所取代, complex ecosystems where multiple applications 和 services must coexist harmoniously. 挑战在于保持提供者主要服务的质量, 比如带有动态插入广告的线性电视, while accommodating the diverse requirements for 和 potential interference from third-party applications. Witbe的Yoann Hinard讨论了整个过程中面临的挑战, 包括远程监控, 动态AD插入, 以及跨设备的QC测试.


TV is being digitized at an interesting time on the digital advertising timeline. 就像广告商能够在大屏幕上瞄准受众一样, 他们最喜欢的方法——第三方cookie——正在消失. 这很不方便, 还有大卫·纳菲斯, CTV在Kargo的总经理, argues that it's also a catalyst to force advertisers to test 和 perfect other targeting methodologies on CTV. 其中最有希望的是上下文定位.


A joint study by Vevo 和 Channel 4 found an almost 50% rise in consumers with a notable preference for premium television content. 洛葛仙妮哈雷, 艾泽里安客户战略总监, explains how advertisers can adapt to this consumer preference shift 和 optimize ad placement strategies within CTV environments to impactfully 和 accurately reach incremental, 可寻址的观众.


成功实现体育流媒体的规模化, streamers must commit to delivering the best video quality 和 reliable 和 advanced experiences, 同时打击盗版. Simon Brydon of Synamedia breaks down exactly how to get all bases covered in sports streaming.

The Rise of the Ad Tier: How Streaming Business Models Determine the Content We Watch

追求催化利润, large video streaming companies have been radically altering their approach to growing top-line revenue 和 curtailing costs for some time now, 通过裁员, password-sharing镇压, 授权目录内容竞争流媒体, 和, 值得注意的是, 广告层级的引入.


理查德·埃文斯, Vizrt高级内容制作人, 讨论音乐活动的未来和现场活动的方式, including major festivals such as South by Southwest (SXSW) are considering the digital experience more than ever.

Quality 和 Quantity: Why Curation is Table Stakes for CTV Advertising Success

Curation has promised to simplify 和 refine programmatic trading for many years, yet it has struggled to take off in a digital ecosystem where buyers are largely content maximising scale 和 minimising CPMs. 但是在中央电视台, 哪里的价格高,供应少, curation has emerged as table stakes to navigating advertising's newest premium channel.

记录你.S. 2024年的选举支出将催生新的广告技术创新

预计2024年的大选将带来创纪录的广告收入, 有人估计总金额超过100亿美元. 这将使2024年的选举成为美国历史上最昂贵的选举, 超越2020年大选, 哪项广告支出高达90亿美元. Dave Dembowski of Operative covers how new technologies to effectively segment, 投放可寻址广告, 和 increase digitalization of TV buying make it easier to target local markets 和 audiences 和 what complexities come with this.


Virtual Product Placement (VPP) is an excellent new type of CTV 和 streaming ad placement. Stephan贝灵哲酒庄, miriad的首席执行官, 讨论了广告商应该遵循的最佳实践,以使其发挥良好的作用.


Max Heiderscheid of UIC Digital writes about the opportunities that shoppable TV brings 和 what challenges lie ahead in weaving together the fabrics of content 和 commerce within the sanctity of our living rooms.

Navigating the Cloud Transition: Tailored Strategies for Broadcasters in the Digital Age

广播行业已经认识到云技术的好处, 包括其适应性和多功能性. 云技术促进了远程生产和简化工作流程. 然而, this shift may come with an adjustment period 和 a myriad of other challenges, 哪些广播公司今天仍在克服.


安东Dvorkovich, Dubformer的首席执行官和创始人, writes about how AI dubbing is poised to dramatically transform the broadcast media industry as recently developed solutions are set to be widely implemented.